Sunday, November 27, 2005

NY Times: Sex and Chess. Is She a Queen or a Pawn? [clip-h]

the way to win in chess ---- distract your opponent!
Sex and Chess. Is She a Queen or a Pawn?
Thomas Lohnes/Agence France-Presse--Getty Images
Published: November 27, 2005

VANESS REID, a 16-year-old student from Sydney, Australia, runs cross-country,
plays touch football, enjoys in-line skating, swims and goes bodyboarding. She
also has a cerebral side: she plays competitive chess. ... But Ms. Reid, who has
auburn hair, light-blue eyes and a winning smile, is arguably the top player in
the world based on a more subjective criterion: her looks. A Web site called
World Chess Beauty Contest ( ranks her as the world's most
beautiful woman in the game....