Tuesday, January 03, 2006

WSJ: Computer Makers Cater to Big Business, Slight the Rest of Us

Goes a long way to explaining why we had such a hard time with Dell vs. Apple.

December 29, 2005
Computer Makers Cater to Big Business, Slight the Rest of Us

If you went to work this morning and sat down at your desk in front of a personal computer, your experience probably took one of two routes.
Lots of you found yourself logging in, probably multiple times, using passwords you could barely remember because you are forced to change them so often. Then, you entered a world of computing where much of the power and variety of the technology was closed off to you in the name of security or conformity by an information-technology department in your large corporation or organization. Various Web sites were off-limits, as were tools like instant messaging, even though they might have legitimate business purposes.....

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