Sunday, August 27, 2017

Thoughts on Dataism by Steve Lohr - Vignettes on Data Science, entertaining specifics but are they representative?

I read Steve Lohr's book Data-ism with keen interest. The author is a noted reporter for The Times that writes on technology. I was looking forward to the book and found it an interesting read. However, it's a bit patchy in certain places and tends to focus specifically on one point or illustration. I'm not sure it gives a balanced view of the emerging field of data science. That said, I particularly liked the way it talked about how data science is revolutionizing farming -- how the putting together of many sensors enables one to get an overview of the field much more so than one could get normally.

Data-ism: The Revolution Transforming Decision Making, Consumer
Behavior, and Almost Everything Else
by Steve Lohr (Author)
