Thursday, January 14, 2021

My "one good thing" of 2020: "Converting" sports, i.e. downhill skiing => cross-country & pool swimming => ocean swimming

During the COVID pandemic, I've tried hard to go outside and run around. It's a bit of escape for me and a way to get out of my home office - AKA upholstered cell. Unfortunately, many of the activities that I like doing outside are now very difficult to do, viz: pool swimming, going to the gym, taking bike and skiing trips, &c. Luckily, I've "converted" a number of these to related ones that are relatively easy to do. In particular, I've been able to convert my pool swimming into wetsuit ocean swimming and my downhill skiing into cross country skiing. Also, I've enjoyed lots of hiking. For me, this has been the "one good thing" about the 2020 pandemic - quoting the words from Nature's Coronapod podcast.

For reference, I've just listed below some key tidbits for myself related to these activities.

1. Ocean swimming

The key things here are the air and water temperature, the tides, and wave height. I list below some of these parameters with timings for some swims I took during the summer and fall. You can see with a wetsuit, particularly a thick one, it's possible to go in when it's pretty cold.

2. Cross-country skiing

Here I was delighted to find that a nearby bike path can easily be turned into a nice cross-country ski trail with an appreciable amount of snow. This is about a 10-minute ski from my house, and I list the timings back and forth on the trail, with a picture.

3. Hiking

I've tried to explore many neighboring New Haven-area trails. I list some below.