Monday, November 30, 2015

List of Study Topics & Prerequisites for a PhD in Bioinformatics - an invitation for crowd-sourced comments & edits

I have been working on a list of core topics in bioinformatics for my class and also for the Bioinformatics program at Yale. I have been building this list by discussing it with others and obtaining their comments. I would now like to put this list forward for "crowd-sourced" editing and comments. I'd most appreciate if anyone would share their thoughts on the document linked below.

This document is available as an editable gdoc. It is best to do the edits in a "signed-in fashion on Google" (so there's a form of attribution for each person's edits). Alternatively, it could be done anonymously and one's name could be placed in the comments. I will try to gather all the comments from everyone and post them in an understandable fashion to the web in the future so that people can get a better document as well as a better sense of the range of discussion.

The document is meant to include main topics in bioinformatics and also the main prerequisites in statistics and computer science both on an undergraduate and graduate level. I put this together myself with a discussion from others at Yale and elsewhere. It is the best that I could do fairly quickly though I suspect it has lots of holes and overemphasizes certain areas. I'd welcome people pointing out these areas in their comments. (However, if you have anything really vitriolic to say, best to email me directly!)

I have preserved the original version of the document before commenting as a simple PDF or Doc file so people can see where I started from if the edits get a little confusing.

All of this work is part of my effort planning for bioinformatics and computational biology at Yale. If you are interested in this you might like related posts that I have done on this subject. Please see the link below and the following tag.